Scheduling conflicts forced us to bump this month’s meeting to March. If you’re on our mailing list, you’ll receive an announcement several days before the meeting. If you’re not on the list, and would like to be visit this page.
March meeting agenda, as of now:
- A refresher on basic emergency preparedness
- ERNC officer elections
- Updates on Dollar Tree’s compliance with the Conditional Use Permit
- Possible modifications to the Barrett-Key traffic calming roundabout
- Permitting of San Pablo Avenue businesses
- Sign up now to attend the Fire Department’s Citizen Emergency Response Team (CERT) Spring Academy that begins March 13. Class size is limited. For more information or to enroll, contact
- Brandon Wilkens, Facilities Coordinator for St. David of Wales Catholic School, reached out to the ENRC about their proposed new school gymnasium on their vacant lot at 5613 Garvin Ave. (between Yuba & Sonoma). The project would add 14 new off-street parking spaces. We will invite Brandon to a future meeting.
Mark your calendars for the reception for East Richmond’s own, public art muralist John Wehrle, at the Richmond Art Center on Saturday, April 5, from 1-3 PM. This will be a comprehensive exhibit of John’s work, including painting, sculpture and photography. Don’t miss it. The exhibit runs through mid-June.
- East Richmond artist Daniel Attaboy Seifert’s “Upcycled Garden” is at the Richmond Art Center now through March 22.