Public Safety Contacts

The correct phone number to call for assistance will depend on where you live and the nature of your call—emergency or non-emergency, crime, nuisance, animal control, and so forth. If you would like to suggest other phone numbers to be added to this list, please send an email to RHNC webmaster. Thank you.

You will find many more phone numbers and links to public safety related websites on the Richmond Police Departments, Helpful Links.

Emergencies. Crime in progress or medical emergency911
Richmond Police Dispatch (non-emergency)(510) 233-1214.
Press "0" to connect directly to Dispatch.
Richmond Fire Department (non-emergency)(510) 307-8031
Several police officers patrol our neighborhood, Beat 7*. Use this email address for all of them.

A list of individual officers and their contact information can be found here.
Email for all Beat 7 officers.
Richmond Police Watch Commander. 24/7, for information on how to proceed.
File an online report with Richmond Police. Incident will not be investigated. May be required for insurance or financial institution purposes. Free.Online Police Report
Richmond Code Enforcement (Report dumping, overgrown lots, etc.)(510) 621-1279
Contra Costa Sheriff.
Visit website to file an online police report or make inquiries.
Report crime in progress or suspicious activity
(925) 646-2441
Contra Costa County Animal Services. Services include rabies control, investigation of animal at-large, inhumane allegations and more. Visit website.(925) 374-3966 ‎


*Beat 7 includes Richmond Heights and the North and East areas. Both are in the  Northern District.