Officer Terrell joined the meeting and provided a report on Beat 7 police activity.
Nick Despota showed us the neighborhood council’s website he is updating—you’re looking at it! Thank you, Nick and Daniel McGlynn!
Diane Richwine and David Swanson‘s reminded us that we need to be prepared either for an earthquake, in which we remain in our homes; or events for which evacuation is recommended. They provided a one-page emergency preparededness guide that lists minimum earthquake supplies for two weeks in our homes, a grab-and-go kit, and items we should have pre-packed in our cars.
Sixty-three neighbors responded to the survey on changing the Council’s name and 81% favored changing the name to the East Richmond Neighborhood Council. Members attending the June meeting voted unanimously for the name change.
We shared some information from RPA Crime Prevention staff on preventing catalytic converter theft :Catalytic Converter protection
We voted to support appropriate traffic measures as needed for the Key and Barrett intersection.
A big thanks to Charles Smith, Barbara Tanaka, and Michele Rappaport for helping with the Saturday, June 18 “Dumpster Day.”