January 2024 meeting
Election of officers.

Thursday, Jan. 25, 7 PM

Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82014913160
(One tap mobile +16694449171,,82014913160# US)


The agenda for the January meeting of East Richmond Neighborhood Council includes:

Officers’ Election

The current slate of officers has volunteered to serve for another year. As you may know, the Secretary position remained open last year. We are, therefore, pleased to announce that East Richmond resident Heather Bristow is volunteering to serve as the neighborhood council Secretary.

Nominations will be taken from the floor.

Point Molate Presentation

We will have a presentation about the natural and cultural history of Point Molate by Richmond resident Sally Tobin.
Ms. Tobin will draw from extensive current and historical information that local citizens and scientists have assembled on Point Molate.

News updates

In October we hosted a program reporting on the the types and levels of air pollutants in Richmond. Since Path to Clean Air. Since then a Bay Area Air Quality Management District has formed a committee to discuss adoption of a plan title “Path to Clean AIr.” Learn more. (to News)

At our October meeting we also learned about plans to upgrade the Richmond Main Library. A meeting to gather ideas will be held at the main library on Wednesday, January 24 from 6:00 to 7:15 PM. There will be food and activities for the kids. You can also provide your input via a survey at bit.ly/rplfgenglish.